By Travis Thomson Updated Jan. 6, 2021
How A Lazy Programmer Hacked His Own Mind To Instantly Stop Bad Habits, Install Good Habits
- And Succeed
How A Lazy Programmer Hacked His Own Mind To Instantly Stop Bad Habits, Install Good Habits - And Succeed

(And How You Can Too)

(This is flat wrong. It doesn't take 90 or even 21 days to build a habit.)
Is your life exactly the way you want it to be? If not, I promise this is the most important thing you'll read all day.

You see, we're living in the golden age of information. So in all likelihood, you know how to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. So why haven't you done it already?

I'll admit, that's a rhetorical question - because not long ago, I was stuck in the same spot.

In fact, I searched 15 years for the answer to this one question: "How can I make myself do what I know I should do?
(This is flat wrong. It doesn't take 90 or even 21 days to build a habit.)
All the books and research kept telling me I just needed to transform these important actions into habits. But how?

They told me it was simple, I just needed to grind through 21 straight days and then it would become automatic and pain-free. Guess what? That’s flat wrong.

At least for me it was. I was so excited on that 21st day. I paid my dues and now the magic habit would take over!!!

Except it didn’t.

Back to Google. I must have read the wrong source. Oh wait, here we go. If it’s a really, really hard habit, it’s more like 66 or even 100 days. Ok, here we go again.

Except when I crawled past 100 days, it turns out that was wrong too! It was just as hard, and I eventually crashed out of my routine in despair.
All the books and research kept telling me I just needed to transform these important actions into habits. But how?

They told me it was simple, I just needed to grind through 21 straight days and then it would become automatic and pain-free. Guess what? That’s flat wrong.

At least for me it was. I was so excited on that 21st day. I paid my dues and now the magic habit would take over!!!

Except it didn’t.

Back to Google. I must have read the wrong source. Oh wait, here we go. If it’s a really, really hard goal, it’s more like 66 or even 100 days. Ok, here we go again.

Except when I crawled past 100 days, it turns out that was wrong too! It was just as hard, and I eventually crashed out of my routine in despair.

But Then I Uncovered An Astounding Secret

Eventually I realized I had to stop looking in the same places for the answer. They all kept spouting the same thing anyway (at least they each had enough creativity to guess at a different length of time before the habit would kick-in).

It was then that I made my discovery. I still remember that night - after long, intense study of the thought patterns that would either trap me into procrastination, or propel me to take consistent action. 

Here's the thing: When you change the code in a computer program, the change is immediate. It doesn't take weeks or months for the change to set in. Our minds work the same way.

I discovered the key changes I could make to my "programming" that would soon change everything. And the very next day...

I jumped out of bed on time.

I ate (and enjoyed) a healthy diet.
I exercised for the first time in months.

I worked on my side business before everyone was awake.

And I kept doing these things... consistently.
After about 4 months in, it was clear - I was onto something.
Here's the exciting part: It doesn't take massive repetition to build a new habit. All it takes is a simple shift of perspective in your mind. A shift that can be made in an instant.

What I'm saying is that in an instant you can "hack your mind" to behave differently and consistently - with ease. Because changing your habits can be as easy as flipping a switch in your brain, by embracing a whole new perspective.

But There Was One Thing The "Experts" Got Right

Success really is habits. Everything else is commentary. 
When you have bad habits, time is not your friend. But when you have good habits - time works for you! You wake up one day much sooner than you think, and your life has transformed.
So back to the question: Is your life exactly where you want it to be?
  • Are you making the money you want to make?
  • Are you in the shape you want to be in?
  • Have you written that book you want to write?
  • ​Are you putting the time you want into your relationships?
  • ​Have you earned the degree you've been meaning to get?
  • ​Are you living where you want to live?
  • ​Are you taking the vacations you want to take?
Why not? Everyone deserves to get what they want out of life. You know what to do to succeed... and I can show you how to actually do it.

So Here's The Point

Listen, your life won't change unless you do the changing. Without that change, the next 5 years will be a boring replay of your previous 5 years. 

But once you learn how to control the direction of your life through consistent habit, you can make the rest of your life whatever you want it to be. And believe me:  once you have a system, it isn't even that hard!

But I'm not going to lie:
  There is still work involved in this, and you have to want to change. I can't put that in you. It needs to come from within. This will not be a process where I hypnotize you, snap my fingers, and make all the effort go away.

If you looked at any of the questions above and answered that you aren't exactly where you want to be... Congratulations! 

That's step one. Now do yourself a favor:  fan the flame of that desire to change. If you have even a spark of that desire, then I promise I can help you. Read on...

Let's Break This Down:

1. Success is habits.

2. I guarantee I can teach you to change or install any new habit - instantly.

3. I've packaged the exact steps into a 30-page eBook.
Exactly what you're getting:
This exclusive content is not available anywhere else. It is 100% substance, cuts right to the point, and is only 30 pages.

And yes, after that, I'm saying you can instantly form any habit and live your life by your own design. You'll discover exactly how to:
  • Change your perspective on time - Because the way most of us perceive time stops us in our tracks before we even begin. You will become immune to this and make time work for you.
  • Instantly form self-discipline - So you can easily, cheerfully do what you need to do whether you feel like it or not -  making you an unstoppable force.
  • Stop bad habits - So they no longer drag you down and hold you back from being who you're meant to be. (You'll enjoy the relief of removing these burdens!)
  • Design any habit so you can't fail - Because with a few simple changes, you'll virtually guarantee your own success. Outside factors won't be able to trip you up.
  • ​Motivate yourself - So you maintain the overflowing excitement that propels you towards your goals at light speed.
  • ​Form habits you’re happy to live with - Because life isn't supposed to be boring. You can have your cake and eat it too - making life a fulfilling experience.
  • Counter-balance your habits - So you don't experience burn-out.
  • ​Set yourself up for success - So you don't have to suffer the pain of stopping or starting a habit just to fall off the wagon. You'll trade that feeling for the taste of success.
  • ​Handle multiple habits at once - Because when you change one habit, changing all the others becomes even easier. You'll ride the momentum of success.
  • Commit the specifics to writing - So your mind won't look for loopholes while you're changing for the better and so you can track your forward progress.
  • Implement the system step-by-step - Because I'll guide you through a framework that will finally take you to where you want to be in life. You'll be living by your own design.
  • Change your perspective on time
    Because the way most of us perceive time stops us in our tracks before we even begin. You will become immune to this and make time work for you.
  • Instantly form self-discipline
    So you can easily, cheerfully do what you need to do whether you feel like it or not -  making you an unstoppable force.
  • Stop bad habits
    So they no longer drag you down and hold you back from being who you're meant to be. (You'll enjoy the relief of removing these burdens!)
  • Design any habit so you can't fail
    Because with a few simple changes, you'll virtually guarantee your own success. Outside factors won't be able to trip you up.
  • ​Motivate yourself
    So you maintain the overflowing excitement that propels you towards your goals at light speed.
  • ​Form habits you’re happy to live with
    Because life isn't supposed to be boring. You can have your cake and eat it too - making life a fulfilling experience.
  • ​Counter-balance your habits
    So you don't experience burn-out.
  • ​Set yourself up for success
    So you don't have to suffer the pain of stopping or starting a habit just to fall off the wagon. You'll trade that feeling for the taste of success.
  • ​Handle multiple habits at once
    Because when you change one habit, changing all the others becomes even easier. You'll ride the momentum of success.
  • Commit the specifics to writing
    So your mind won't look for loopholes while you're changing for the better and so you can track your forward progress.
  • Implement the system step-by-step
    Because I'll guide you through a framework that will finally take you to where you want to be in life. You'll be living by your own design.

You basically “mind-mapped” the entire process. AMAZING! What VALUE!! You have NO IDEA (well, maybe YOU do!) how many times I have tried to start a new habit… and FAILED after a few days, or weeks…normally just days...


- Joyce D.


Jan. 6, 2020:
Wow! I'm humbled by the outstanding response to the program.

Your testimonials have truly been touching and I would love to see more. So I've decided to launch a limited time sale - pricing the course at a massive discount. (And guarantee you 100% of your money back if you don't feel that I delivered).

How massive of a discount?
80% OFF
That means instead of the full $20 , you'll only pay...


... and you'll get every penny back if you don't feel that I delivered. (Zero Risk)

So visualize what life will be like when you wake up tomorrow with a new habit - and finally achieve your biggest goal. Then click the big blue button below to get started now - because you deserve to live the life you want.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you don't think I delivered on what I'm promising, you get 100% of your money back, no questions asked. How's that for fair?

Simply contact me here.
Disclaimer: As stated above, there is still work involved in this, and you have to want to change. I can't put that in you. It needs to come from within. This will not be a process where I hypnotize you, snap my fingers, and make all the effort go away. I'm also not a doctor and if you're experiencing issues that you need professional medical assistance with, this will not be a good fit for you.
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